Electoral system design

Electoral systems produce fair, inclusive and credible rules for democratically elected governments

Electoral systems set the rules for how elections are conducted, how results are determined and how power is distributed. Designing and reforming electoral systems requires a holistic approach and the harmonization of rules and processes across interconnected systems. IFES’ global experts bring comparative expertise, innovation and impartial technical advice in the analysis of options of electoral systems that are fair, representative and well-suited to the local context.

The design of an electoral system also has a direct impact on how various stakeholders interact with the political process, including the formation and development of political parties and geographical and ideological interests; and opportunities for women, minorities and marginalized groups to participate fully in the electoral and political process. IFES works with a wide range of stakeholders to ensure the electoral system design or reform process is inclusive and transparent, reflecting the evolving needs of a democratic system.

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IFES Democratic Resilience Lab

IFES designs, tests and deploys innovative strategies and capabilities to strengthen democratic resilience and counter backsliding and authoritarianism.

Focus Areas

IFES joins with others to tackle the most pressing issues for democracy and elections today.